Monday, September 24, 2007

الناس في بورما فاقت.....عقبالنا

الخبر عرفته من موقع
تقع بورما تحت حكم العسكر من عام 1962 بعد قيام الجنرال "ني وين" بإنقلاب عسكري على النظام الجمهوري الديمقراطي في البلاد (منك لله ياللي في بالي) و ظل يحكم البلاد حوالي 26 عاماً (آي والله 26 عاماً) و تلاه بعد ذلك انتفاضة عرفت فيما بعد باسم انتفاضة 8888 بسبب تدهور الأحوال الاقتصادية (نتيجة طبيعية لحكم العسكر) و استمرت من 8 اغسطس حتى 18 سبتمبر 1988 و ردت عليها قوات الأمن بمذبحة دموية قتل فيها الآلاف .
قام الجنرال "ساو ماونج" بإنقلاب آخر أثناء هذه الأحداث و قام بتأسيس "مجلس إستعادة النظام و قانون الدولة" الذي فرض الأحكام العسكرية بشكل مؤقت تحت وعد بإقامة انتخابات حرة لمجلس النواب في 31 مايو 1989.
شهدت البلاد أول انتخابات حرة منذ 30 عاماً و كانت نتيجتها فوز حزب "الإتحاد القومي للديمقراطية" ب 392 مقعد من 489.
طبعاً تم اعلان رفض مجلس استعادة البتاع لنتيجة الانتخابات و تم إلغاؤها وظل المجلس يحكم الدولة بالحديد و النار.
تم تغيير اسم المجلس إلي "مجلس سلامة الدولة و التنمية" في عام 1997.
تقع زعيمة "الإتحاد القومي للديمقراطية" و هي "أونج سان سوو" (الفائزة بجائزة نوبل للسلام) تحت الإقامة الجبرية منذ عام 2003.
في يناير 2007 قامت كلاً من روسيا و الصين بالتصويت على مسودة لمجلس الأمن من أجل حث بورما على إطلاق سراح المعتقلين السياسيين.
فاض الكيل
الأحد 16 سبتمبر
بدأ الرهبان البوذيين بعمل مسيرة احتجاجية على المؤسسة العسكرية الحاكمة في البلد.
مع أنه المعروف عن الرهبان العزلة و انهم دايماً ملهومش علاقة بالعالم الخارجي.....المهم
تستمر المسيرة في ستة مدن في البلاد حتى الآن مع وعد من الرهبان بإستمرار المسيرة حتى سقوط الحكومة.
و وصل أعداد المتظاهرين إلي 100000.
الأهم ان الموقع عامل عريضة بيطالب فيها مجلس الامن و الصين بحث حكام بورما على التفاوض مع المتظاهرين بدلاً من استخدام السلاح زي ما حصل قبل كده.

أرجو من الجميع التوقيع على العريضة.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Do You Have a Type A Personality?

That was a quiz I took at

You Have A Type A- Personality

You are one of the most balanced people around
Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want
You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.

When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back
Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!
You live life to the fullest - incorporating the best of both worlds

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

How did I use the secret to pass the exams :)

OK I'll reveal how I did it regardless of comments I may get from closed-minded people.
After watching "The Secret" movie I started to use it and I got fantastic results most of the time.
The Secret was a life transformation for me and for thousands of people all around the world.

My first experiment with The Secret
I wanted to meet the professor of the Communication course in the college to get as many info as I can about the exam.
I didn't attend any lecture this year in the subject and I have just 2 months before the exam so I needed to meet the professor to ask for her help.
I used the secret as I saw the professor tells me which chapters are important and other stuff. And I generated the feelings of getting what I wanted to get.
I kept visualizing for about 3 days or so.
I went to the professor and asked her with a smile on my face as I know she'll give me what I'm asking for. She replied that she "JUST" left a copy of the past year exam at the printing room in the college..... nothing else!
I got confused.... But "somehow" I knew that I was on the right track.
I got that past exam. I studied how to solve it many many times.
When I went to the exam. Guess what....I found the same exam I got studied.
Exactly the same.

My experiment with the second semester
The Secret is very basic and simple.
You get a blank card and write what you want on it and you hold it with you.
Keep reading the card....keep reading it all the time you can.
After you wakeup, before you sleep, in the bus......etc
for example I wrote "I'm very happy and grateful that I passed this year pure. My parents and sister are very happy too. My friends all are happy for me.......". I kept reading the paper as much as I can and also I generated the feelings of happiness and gratefulness.
I found a dramatic change on my way of studying.
ِAlso I got my past year result from the college website (which includes 7 tails) and edited it to show that I passed the year pure (pure in Egypt means that you have no tails).
Here comes the funny part :D
I drew myself happy using M$ Paint (and it was a really funny drawing), standing beside the results. My name was written and there was a "Passed" written beside it.

The second semester I got 5 tails which means more work than the first semester (2 tails only).
So I had to use the secret for every subject.
I visualized myself happy in the exam as I know the answers and I solve the problems in a good way and I remember the laws and methods of solving.

Before knowing the secret I always said "I don't want to fail this year". And that was the main reason of failure because I thought "FAIL". If I just said "I want to pass this year". There is a huge difference between the two sentences.

The results and........I got one tail this year..
If I didn't use the secret I would be "satisfied" but.....
I was happy with the result as I spent three years in this academic year and every time a friend or a family member knew that I passed I heard him saying "AT LAST".
But I intended to pass "PURE" and I'll do whatever it take to pass pure.
Also I solved well in this course exam.
So my intent changed to be "Passing in this tail" and I get this year result and edited it again to become that I passed pure.
I can make a request to review my answers but every time a student made that request got the same result coz they don't "really" review the answers (and you'll pay L.E 20 for that request).
So I needed help to ensure that they'll review my answers.
I didn't want to go ask this prof coz he is famous of being weired and he hates the students.
Also I couldn't force myself visualizing him being nice and making me pass (and don't ask me why :p).
Anyways..... I went to ask some employees in the management for help and I got a promise that they will review my answers (while they didn't ask for my name).
I don't know how....but I trusted the employee that he may talk to the prof, or to the control room admin or..... I don't know.
And I knew the result just two days ago.
Now I'm really "very happy and grateful" and ........ (What was written in the paper).
The Secret was a "Life Transformation" for me
And also it can be for YOU.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Back down to earth

Do you think you worth that?
You sat everyday for more than month thinking and writing about that, every single day…and now it just gone.
Did you want a specific result? You supposed to think about just a general result.
Did you made something wrong or is this better for you?
What did you really want?
You spent many years building this fortress around you and suddenly you wanted to destroy it.
Will you prepare yourself to do better than the last time?
The question now should be: What to do NEXT?

Now you DO remember!
You wrote your destiny with your own hand.
You wrote it and you thought that it was what you want?
Is this really what you wanted?
Consider it as a step and move on to the next.
Change this line and start working at it?
How can you manifest this?

Do you think you're feeling this because it seemed like you were out of control?

Anathema - Flying
started a search to no avail
a light that shines behind the veil trying to find it
and all around us everywhere
is all that we could ever share if only we could see it
feel there's truth that's beyond me
life ever changing weaving destiny

and it feels like I'm flying above you
dream that I'm dying to find the truth
seems like you're trying to bring me down
back down to earth
back down to earth

layers of dust and yesterdays
shadows fading in the haze of what I couldn't say
and though I said my hands were tied
times have changed and now I find I'm free for the first time
feel so close to everything now
strange how life makes sense in time now

and it feels like I'm flying above you
dream that I'm dying to find the truth
seems like your trying to bring me down
back down to earth
back down to earth